Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, June 7, 2020
Come to me by the 'Stairway to Heaven' which is my Immaculate Mother

Message of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
"Dear children of mine, I, Jesus, the Sacred Heart, come again today with my Blessed Mother on the anniversary of our apparitions here to tell you:
The time of my love that is this time of grace that I have given you is an extraordinary time! Take advantage of this time so that you can truly grow in my love, unite yourselves more and more with me, live in my Sacred Heart, so that then I can take you with my Blessed Mother, I can take you to that great and consummate holiness that I desire from all of you, my children, for the glory of the Father.
You must live in my Heart if you want to live in love. So live in my Heart and then I will live in your hearts. Live in my Sacred Heart and then you will live in peace, because in my heart you will find all the consolation, all the comfort, all the joy and all the serenity, the peace that your hearts need to finally find the fullness of life, joy and love.
Live in my Sacred Heart and then you will live in grace, for my Sacred Heart is the great source of grace and everyone who lives in my Sacred Heart receives all the torrents of grace that flow from the throne of the Father and that through my Heart are given and poured out abundantly to all of you, to all mankind!
Live in my Sacred Heart and then you will live in joy; but not the joy of the world, the joy of being mine, of belonging to the Father and even on the cross when suffering comes, you can feel my love, you can feel my comforting presence and then you can understand the value of suffering accepted and offered for the salvation of so many souls in need.
And this docile love, this offering love, generates in the soul the perfect joy that is to love and suffer for me, for the salvation of souls, certain that my Sacred Heart welcomes everything, sees everything, collects everything and will always give the reward in the kingdom of my Father. And that there is nothing more great, nothing more valuable than saving souls for my Father's kingdom. The knowledge of this, of this truth, generates in the heart the true joy and the true peace.
Live in my Sacred Heart and then truly live in the fullness of life, the life I came to bring to earth. You will live this life full in God, full in love, full in grace and holiness, and then your life will be a perfect reflection of Heaven, of Paradise, and everyone looking at you will be able to see, feel my presence, my love, my mercy, and then everyone will believe in me.
My Father created all men by an act of his beautiful and perfect love and all man is attracted by the beauty of love. If everyone sees the beauty of love in you, of my love, then everyone will be attracted to me, everyone will believe in me and through me, everyone will finally believe in the Father.
So live in my Sacred Heart and then you will live in the beauty of my love and you will all see in you the beauty of my love's presence, you will believe in the Father and you will live for the Father.
Continue praying the Rosary of Meditated Mercy every day. All the illnesses that exist in the world are caused by the sins of men. It is men themselves who attract punishment. And it is only through prayer, reparation and atonement that punishments can be stopped and new graces can be obtained for the world.
So pray, pray and pray! And also make the sacrifices that my Mother asked, such as fasting, and offer for the end of all this. So that then, men will finally return from their evil ways, return to me, return to my Mother, return to my Father, and then a new time of grace will come for humanity, a new time of new and resounding blessings from my Father in heaven.
I bless you all and say it again:
Come to me by the 'Ladder of Heaven' which is my Immaculate Mother. I descended into the world through my Mother because the world was not worthy to receive me and only through her do men become worthy to be received by me and to come to me.
Come to me through my Mother and then I will embrace you, welcome you, love you and clothe you with my glory and my graces of love.
To all I bless, especially you, my beloved son Carlos Thaddeus.
Thank you for coming in spite of all the sufferings. My Sacred Heart rejoiced in joy and love with my Mother for her presence here. Yes, you have removed 49,508 thorns that were nailed to my Sacred Heart, nailed to the sins that men commit at every moment with no one to remove them. May you make an act of reparation, of displeasure to remove them.
And you, my son, with your presence here, with your sojourn here, you have removed these thorns with your prayers, with your love, with your effort, you have removed them. And now in place of these thorns sprout the most beautiful flowers of your love, of your reparation, of your perfect adoration of love and works to me. For all this, I now give you 79,202 graces that you will receive over an entire decade. I will pour them out like an abundant shower of love and graces from my Heart, and I tell you, my son, stay always more in the school of my Blessed Mother's love, because guided by her, formed by her, you will reach a high degree of holiness and much you will please me.
My Sacred Heart is always, always upon you. It is always accompanying you and pouring out on you all the flames and burning graces of my Heart that loved you so much that it died for you on the cross and poured out all the blood and water for you on the cross. Yes, my son, know that even if it were only for you I would descend from heaven to earth, I would incarnate myself in the bosom of my Blessed Mother, I would suffer everything I have suffered in my life of poverty, humiliation and persecution and for you I would certainly die on the cross to save you, because I love you so much and so much, my son, I want to realize it in you!
Forward! Now you must pray the Rosary of my Sacred Heart with the offering, offering my merits, the merits of my wounds and the tears of my Mother to the Father. You must pray it during 8 Fridays. Through this rosary so small but so powerful in honor of the 33 years of my life, I will grant you great graces from my Heart. And, above all, I will accomplish in you certain operations of grace that my Heart desires to transform you more and more into my image and likeness and image and likeness of my Mother.
Forward! Do not be afraid! My Mother and I are with you and all my Angels, all the legions of my Angels are guarding and watching over you night and day.
My Sacred Heart has your name engraved on it. I told my daughter Margaret Mary that in the future the apostles of my Sacred Heart would come, and among them, one who would be extremely burning with love for me and who would take me publicly to souls without fear or fear of anyone, without human respect, without shame to declare himself for me. This is you! You were a drop of consolation not only for my Heart, but for the heart of my daughter Margaret Mary who suffered so much and was distressed not to see me loved, praised, adored and recognized by men. Rejoice, joy of the Saints, and persevere on my path, on my Mother's path, for even more through you I will do and realize.
I bless you now and all my beloved children: from Paray-le-Monial, from Dozulé and from Jacareí".
Message of Our Lady communicated in this same Apparition: